In the age of AI

 In The Age Of AI

Right from the beginning I knew it was gonna be an interesting video because one of the first things said was, we're not searching google but their searching us. This makes total sense just because the amount of personalized ads that happen throughout the day, that are specifically targeting something I am looking for or something that I had talked about recently. I truly don't know how ads pop up randomly for something I was just thinking about the other day, this just creates more doubt in how truly safe are we using the internet or electronic devices. On the plus side though, AI has benefitted tremendously with work in the medical field. What i mean is that, they were able to use technology to scan through hundreds of patients and after the AI goes through them with code installed to check for certain things within the documents, to determine results of cancer, like if they have it or could be developed in the next few years. This is huge for the community because it allows people to feel more safe with actual evidence to support their findings. The biggest problem with AI is everything like Siri and Alexa, the reason for this is, when their not in use, I still believe their still listening to what we say or are listening to, and to me that just invades my privacy to a certain degree. The way that AI has increased over the years and became way more advanced, tells me that AI will never stop growing for awhile until we figured out everything we can possibly use it for.


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