Privacy Online and off

 Privacy Online & Off

My family hasn't been personally hacked or anything but I know many people that have been and it ruins their life some but it normally just is in inconvenience to some ones life to have to go through the process of getting stuff back or having to start from scratch, because they had to change all new accounts. The information in the videos was very alarming in some aspects. For example the faces company selling millions of face identifications to Facebook and nothing was really done about it. I truly never heard anything about it really and that's pretty significant, just having them be able to sell that information without any notice to the people is alarming. Then the fact that there is only like three things that is really protected from anyone to see, and its only apple friendly or WhatsApp. I am very happy to know that my iPhone does that, but now knowing that everything else isn't secured is scary. The government should be looking into ways so that everything is like apple and WhatsApp where everything is more protected and safe from potential danger. First thing, anyone should do, is tell them about the protection the three ways of communication have for you and your family. Also I would and tell others to create new passwords for each account every so often so that it is less likely for something to be hacked into.


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