

After looking at these two sites, I could understand why no ones uses their voices in any news outlet. These people have their own agenda and whatever is happening that is not apart of it, they want it gone. They believe that peace solves everything, but in reality we all know you have to get dirty sometimes to get the outcome that is best for the people in effects. Yes some conflicts can be resolved without war, but most of the wars we have fought in, they were for the right reasons, it wasn't like they just went there for fun. They had legitimately needed to go protect our country or help other countries in need of losing their freedom. If many of the wars that happened already, hadn't happened, the world as we know, would look totally different than it does today. The people that created these websites know that this is the only way to spread their ideology of antiwar, by creating a way, for someone with the right key words enters a search and their website pops up with an article. I have never heard of these sites before, in any research I have done plus never mentioned in any class as well. People want attention and I believe a lot of these anti war supporters are people who don't care about the war, they more care about the money being spent on the war and not spent in the US. This is a fair point but war isn't that cheap, so I believe that whenever we do go to war, its for the right reasons, and not to spend our money on unnecessary reasons.


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