

Propaganda has been around forever, the amount of groups that used it throughout history shows that propaganda id used effectively, can help you get the job done that you want it t get done. In reality, propaganda is not when you only show people approved information, but also the fact that they try to get rid of opposing points made that are opposite of what the propaganda wants. There is no such thing of good or bad propaganda, it's just based on how the propaganda is used, to determine if it's positive or negative propaganda to the specific audience. Propaganda has been used many times by the government to get public support but also the public has used it to show the government as well, to help fix whatever issue they are trying to portray with their propaganda. Normally propaganda is ran through the government, because certain societies don't allow certain or any propaganda inside their nations while others do. The problem with this is, some societies are allowed to have a freedom of speech, so they can create their own for the public, but the one that aren't lucky with freedom of speech are normally forced to propaganda by their country, to make them feel like it's a good fit for them. Propaganda is very common all around but in the US, after so many different times propaganda was used, I feel like our propaganda has just turned into advertising because the melting pot the US has, many people just see things as an ad before really thinking what it actually means. The thing I blame for this is, social media, just for the fact that now more and more people are looking at different posts and articles all the time, they truly don't know the difference between an ad and propaganda anymore.


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