Speech Theories

 Speech Theories

The eight values of free expression I have never heard about but after reading them, I can most likely give an example for all of these values, and most of the examples are specific to the value. Maybe some of them can be combined for an example but all of these values have really in depth meaning behind them that in certain instances that is the only way to define how freedom of speech is valued. For instance, the one I think is most important but also one I think resonates to me is Promote Innovation. This one wouldn't let me be who I am today because it allows me to have whatever opinion I want and also am able to express who I am as an individual. If there was no innovation, life would be bland with no real purpose. Instead you are allowed to be whoever you want without any repercussions by authority for doing something that has no harm, like in many other countries around the globe. For example, being someone who likes the same sex, someone who support other countries beside their own, or someone who just wants to be different than the societal norm. The one that I see in action most of today is Stable Change. This right here is what separates America from many other nations. Many of the changes we seen over our lives have been made possible because of our first amendment allowing us to speak our mind and tell the government how they feel. Civil protests over the years have created paths for more Americans to have freedom, like getting rid of segregation, allowing same sex marriages, legalizing marijuana, and so many others. The main reason many of the freedoms are allowed is because the government heard the voices of the people and wanted to make change for the better of the people and society as aa whole. In other countries, for instance North Korea, if you ever talk negative about the government and some government official finds out, they arrest you and send you to a "reeducation camp" to have them relearn why North Korea is the greatest. The worst part is that even the government officials who get caught lacking on the job have been known to get executed, because it's a sign of disrespect towards Kim. In all, I will say America has many ups and downs with their government and how it's ran, but speaking for Americans and Foreigners, the US is one of the most allowing with freedom of speech to a degree. The one value that is interesting to me is, the Check On Governmental Power, because it showed that if this wasn't true, than what crimes wouldn't have been found out about inside the federal or local governments. The fact that some countries aren't allowed to know about any of the dealings inside the government is worrisome to say the least because that means other countries are unable to know about the information as well, since their own people have no idea what's happening. 


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