The Supreme Court system

The Supreme Court System


The supreme court system is one of the highest branches of government and is one of the biggest reasons why our country is how we are today. After reading and watching the videos, I will say there are a lot of interesting things about the history that I had no clue about. For example, President Taft was a chief justice, this surprised me for a couple of reasons. Like why has no other president wanted to become a chief justice, I know most likely it's because their done doing that much work after being a president, but Taft being the only one to do it seems off to me. Another interesting fact was that a lot of the chief justices were present for multiple huge cases that effected the US greatly. Earl Warren was a chief justice during three major cases, Brown v. Board of education, Miranda v. Arizona, and Loving v. Virginia, two out of the three of these were huge stepping stones for trying to end racial discrimination within the country. Then the other was the right to remain silent, which had given legal rights to suspects in cases, in which that they don't need to speak until with a lawyer. The one thing I didn't know about this specific case, was the outcome was in favor of the state, but it shed light on some problems within the regulations of arresting a suspect. Nothing really changed my views on how I think of the supreme court, if anything, it just helped me gain more information on how everything goes down.


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