Five sources

 The first source that I use for news and information is The NY Times. I use this for many different reasons, for example, it’s one of the oldest newspapers that is sent throughout the country, which sort of makes it reliable enough to read and believe most of the information. The NY Times also keeps you up to date with many different topics of information compared to some of the other sites. Adding to all different topics, they also tend to have way more international news when up against the rest of the sites for news in the US.

The second source I will talk about is BBC World news. Since I am an International Business major, I always tend to be more interested in the news happening outside our country to really compare the things that happen in both places and see if there are similarities. There's sometimes cultural, political, or even similarities on how the population is reacting to whatever event that is occurring. Then also, BBC helps me see stories that if I find interest in, I can go dig deeper into what happened on other news sites based in the country to find even more.

The third source is the Associated Press. This website ever since high school has been drilled into my brain that this is one of the most unbiased news outlets in the world because the journalists don't have a side politically on stories, but also the stories they do tell, normally have evidence to back up what their saying. Unlike, many new sites who just report whatever they hear first from the public or from source. Another big reason on why I like using this site is they get directly to the point and not telling a whole story for one little important piece of information.

The fourth source I will be talking about is PBS news hour. This isn't a site used by many people from my experience throughout the years but this source is pretty reliable when trying to get everyone's side of the story. Freshman year of college I believe, a professor told me about this website because it showed both the left and the right's views on the information. I have always been a centrist person for political views and always like hearing from other people's points of view to have more clarity on the subject at hand.

The fifth source I will be talking about is The Wall Street Journal. This site has tremendously helped over the four years at High Point. With all the business classes I had to take, at least a handful of times we used this as a resource in almost every one. It keeps you up to date on all of the current business and other information. If mostly all my professors were using it as a source for their work, it sure seemed smart to start looking through it, as a source for me.


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