The relationship with technology

The Relationship With Technology

Throughout history technology has always been advancing but today, technology definitely plays a key role in our lives compared to others living centuries ago. In the beginning, it was all simple ideas coming to life, like the wheel, the light bulb, wagon, tools, and so much more but after time goes by, these tools start to adapt over time to new and better ones that are more efficient. Once they start creating one way to make it better, right after they will be looking for ways to make their new technology better than the last, and its a whole cycle of new technologies. The problem with this is, the more automated the world gets, the less amount of jobs needed for actual employees, if Artificial Intelligence is capable of doing the same thing for way less of a price, they would rather do that. Another thing is, people lose in touch with actual labor that if something breaks down and they have to go back to the manual way, people have no idea how to do it because they never had to do it, so why bother learning it. This leads me to my next point on how people are becoming independent on technology for communication, that people are forgetting how to talk to normal people in an actual conversation. Yes, communication using technology is great, but people need to start getting out again and be more social, obesity has been on the rise for the past decades, and technology becoming more automated, definitely is causing it to rise plus other things as well.
The greatest thing about technology now is being able to communicate with friends and family with a couple clicks of some buttons. Being able to get ahold of someone instantly is very useful, like emergencies, advice, making plans, and so many other things. If technology wasn't like it was, I wouldn't be able to keep in touch with as many of my friends and family, just to check in and see how their doing. My favorite thing about me is that out of everyone I know, I am like one of the only people that doesn't have an Instagram. Yeah, I had one when I was 14, but then I had forgot my password. Ever since then, I had never had the urge of creating a new one. The one I lost had one photo I believe and it was from the day I created the account. It made sense to me, to not even bother getting a new, since I didn't use it much even when I did have it. The biggest problem for technology is the anonymous part of it, because anyone can create an account on anything without people knowing who you really are. This is huge because people tend to get hacked, bullied, or something happens to them where their in danger or feel helpless because they can't do anything, since they don't know who truly did it. Thankfully, there are ways to find out who did it, but also ways to make sure no one can find out who did it as well. This creates another problem of how really safe is the internet. Some of the smartest people in the world, can hack into something without you even knowing anything happened, until it's too late.


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